Updates to our data retention processes

Hugh Carling

Hugh Carling


Co-founder of Liveminds. I love to bring like-minded people together. Whether that's growing businesses, running online communities, staging events or captaining my village cricket team, nothing makes me happier than seeing people with a shared passion, coming together and making the most of it.

Liveminds has updated our processes in line with recent changes to data protection law. We are now explicitly specifying how long your project will be hosted on our research platform after it closes to participant responses.

You will see a new line item on estimates for research projects for “access for 12 months from the project close date to your archived project data”. This hosting period is free of charge, however, when it expires, to comply with our data processing agreement, your project will be deleted (this includes questions, categories, attachments, participant responses and media). We will inform you when your project’s hosting period is due to expire and for an additional fee this period can be extended. You can of course delete your closed projects at any time prior to this date, based on your own retention periods, by selecting the “Delete Project…” option from the project menu.

We won’t delete these projects without your instruction, however if you no longer have use for the data held in the above projects or they have exceeded your retention period, please do mark them for deletion.

If you need advice on establishing your own retention schedule, please let us know and we can put you in contact with our independent specialist records manager who can advise you accordingly.


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