
Review: Market Research in a Week

Lizzie Cree

Lizzie Cree


Head of Operations and chief horticulturist of the Liveminds desktop garden. I’m happiest rummaging round a car boot sale or charity shop looking for the next 50p bargain. I have a degree in Geography which has resulted in an inordinate collection of maps & globes, oh and a few colouring pencils...

The second edition of Judy Bartkowiak’s Market Research in a Week is a no-nonsense guide to the world of market research. Judy has broken down this complex subject into seven manageable chapters that clearly explain the fundamental processes involved in undertaking a market research project without using too much insider jargon.

The book provides a detailed explanation of the different project stages, from the initial design all the way through to the final research analysis and presentation of results. Judy covers both qualitative and quantitative research to give the reader a full understanding of both methods.

Each chapter or ‘day-of-the-week’ is clearly broken down into accessible sections, with diagrams and illustrations to help you along:

  • Sunday: Market research and project design
  • Monday: The research brief and research proposal
  • Tuesday: Qualitative market research
  • Wednesday: Quantitative market research
  • Thursday: Questionnaire and topic guide design
  • Friday: Research analysis
  • Saturday: Report writing and presentation skills

This motivational structure presents the reader with a fast track to understanding the nuances of market research, whilst the optional questions at the end of each day allow you to test your knowledge.

This edition has expanded on the use of online market research methods in line with developments in the industry. Judy offers an overview of the various online options now available and carefully considers how they can best be used. Judy rounds off with seven trends for tomorrow, market research quotes and available resources that will leave you informed, inspired and excited to get stuck into your new research project. Market Research In A Week is a great starting place for anyone looking to gain greater knowledge of the market research industry.

Judy Bartkowiak runs a specialist children’s research agency providing qualitative research in the UK and project managing European projects either direct to client or working with other agencies. She is the author of ‘Market Research in a Week’, ‘Secrets of Success in Brand Licensing’ and a number of NLP titles. She also writes for children as JudyBee. Her books can be purchased on Amazon or on

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