The Challenge
Liveminds recently worked with a leading brand strategy consultancy and large cancer research and awareness charity to explore new ways to promote charitable giving. The challenge was to find new ways to reach out to people by gathering feedback and opinions on a range of potential fundraising initiatives and advertising ideas.
The Solution
Twelve participants based in the UK were invited to tell engaging stories about their lives and experiences in diary entries and tasks over five days.
Go Live
The Liveminds ‘Go Live’ project set-up service was used to ensure the smooth running of the project from start to finish. The service is particularly helpful for clients who are exceptionally busy or new to online research methods. ‘Go Live’ includes setting up the research team and client users, adding participants, managing activation and login, and advising on and posting questions.
Platform Branding
Liveminds branding was used, rather than custom branding, to keep the charity brand concealed, this ensured that people gave unbiased responses when they were asked about a variety of charities.
Research Activities
A mixture of web and mobile app questions were used to utilise the benefits of both formats. Mobile app questions allowed participants to capture ‘in the moment’ feedback rather than trying to recall experiences after the event. The mobile app allowed participants to literally invite researchers into their homes and share their experiences with them. It also allowed the effortless uploading of videos and images, which really brought the research to life and provided rich outputs for the end client. To counter any issues with unreliable or slow internet connection the app allows participants to capture photos and videos offline and sync them to the platform at a later time. Web questions were used when the researcher wanted people to spend more time reflecting on their experiences and providing longer, more considered written responses on larger devices.
All questions were private, so participants could only see their own responses and replies from the researchers. This elicits more open, in depth answers when covering sensitive topics.
The Results
Liveminds successfully helped the client access rich insight into charity fundraising and the new initiatives they were considering. This project was particularly successful at gaining incredibly detailed and in depth answers from participants, partly due to the use of private questions which enabled people to feel comfortable expressing themselves openly.
Thank you for asking me to participate in this. It's been very interesting and thought-provoking, and I've genuinely enjoyed responding to all of your questions.Project participant
The positivity of participants was another notable success within this project, with many commenting on how enjoyable they had found the whole process.