How to use Tags on Liveminds

Hugh Carling

Hugh Carling


Co-founder of Liveminds. I love to bring like-minded people together. Whether that's growing businesses, running online communities, staging events or captaining my village cricket team, nothing makes me happier than seeing people with a shared passion, coming together and making the most of it.

Why to use Tags

On average, each participant writes about 300 words every day on the Liveminds platform. That gives you an incredible amount of depth, but it’s also a lot of content for you to read, consider and organise for your report.

So we’re very happy to announce that we’ve recently launched Tags, a powerful new feature that helps you quickly and easily save, sort and analyse all the great responses your participants give.

Tagging enables you to save and code the responses as you moderate the activities, enabling you to then immediately access the most relevant and insightful ones. This saves you lots of time and effort in both your analysis and when crafting your report.

How to use Tags

There are two main ways in which researchers use Tags. These approaches can be combined depending on how you like to work.

Simple approach

The simplest way, which requires the minimum time whilst you are moderating, is to use a single word like ‘save’. Using this approach, anything you read, watch or listen to that you think is particularly insightful, is simply marked with that tag.

When you later click on that tag, whether during or after the fieldwork has closed, only the questions with responses tagged ‘save’ will be visible. Open up those questions and only the responses tagged ‘save’ will then be visible. If the response appears in a thread of conversation, either between participants or between researchers and participants, that will also be shown, to ensure you have the context you need.

If you want, you can then code the ‘save’ tags at the end of the fieldwork to help you analyse and write your report.

Introducing Tags

Liveminds - Introducing Tags from Liveminds on Vimeo.

Detailed approach

The other approach is to code the key themes into Tags as you go. This takes a bit more time and thought during moderation. However it may save you time overall. It also helps you build up a clear view of the key themes as the project evolves.

Here you might use Tags to mark responses with a sentiment such as ‘happy’, a brand or product name such as ‘iPhone’, or even the way in which you want to use them such as ‘use quote’. The only limit is your imagination! Any response can have multiple Tags e.g ‘iPhone’ and ‘use quote.’

You can easily check which Tags have already been created in the list under the Spotlight. If you are on a question page, the Tags used on that page already are highlighted for quick reference. If you start adding a Tag to a response and it exists in your project already, it will be auto-completed. If it doesn’t, it will be added immediately to the list. All researchers and observers on a project have access to the same Tags, although only researchers can add them.

Exporting with Tags

As a researcher, you can use Tags in combination with the project’s users to further filter down the content you are viewing, either by group or by participant. For instance if you only want to see responses from in the Regular Buyers groups that were marked ‘happy’ and ‘iPhone,’ you can!

The filtering you apply will be carried through to the Word or Excel exports, if you prefer to do your analysis there.

This enables you to be incredibly granular in how you control your exports, from exporting the whole project in one click, through to exporting only the responses in one question, by one participant, with one tag.

So that’s Tags - super simple to use, very powerful and very flexible too. We hope you enjoy using this new feature.

If you’d like to try it out for yourself, please do get in touch at

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